Detail Project Reports

Detailed project report (DPR) is prepared for the investment decision-making approval. Also, this is prepared to preparation of plan and execution of project. This is a complete technical document for investment decision-making, approval, planning. This report is a base document for planning the project and implementing the project.

GeoEnviroVision provides Detail Project Report for various Projects

Road (Highways and Rural roads)

Water Treatment

Wastewater Treatment

Solid Waste Management

Rain Water Harvesting

The preparation of DPR demands wide variety of expertise. A number of decisions are interrelated.

The DPR preparation dependent on the nature of the technology, availability in the general employment market in the region, availability of raw materials, need for foreign collaboration and training, extent of specialized plant and equipment required,and many more miscellaneous items / activity assessments.

Financials requirements dependent on the scheduled time for the execution of project. The nature of issue to be included in the commercial/social terms and conditions depend on the extent of the spread of the sponsor/contractors. If only local and regional parties are in picture, the scope and jurisdiction for disputes gets restricted.

A number of issues largely depend upon managerial perceptions and top management policies. On the whole preparation of DPR is a complete task. Therefore highly specialized agencies have come up in different areas, who undertake such task for the clients.


Detailed Project Reports is an advisory technical and financial proposal, that enhance the sponsor’s and clients views regarding particular project through the enhanced and detailed observed parameters.It could be project’s perception and mathematical formulation for financial facts/arguments without compromising the standards to be maintained for project.